


主要教育和工作经历:1988年中山医科大学毕业,毕业后一直在中山大学附属第一医院院工作,先后获硕士、博士学位。曾在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院学习3年余,美国德克萨斯州立大学医学院访问学者。获美国青少年糖尿病协会科研基金、国家自然基金、国家自然基金国际和地区合作基金等基金资助。在《Diabetes》等糖尿病权威杂志发表论文。获美国青少年糖尿病基金委科研奖、国家教育部科技进步奖。社会兼职:广东省省委保健专家中华医学会糖尿病学分会糖尿病与妊娠学组委员中华医学会老年学分会内分泌代谢学组委员中华医学会内分泌学分会肾上腺学组委员广东省医师协会内分泌科医师分会副主任委员广东省女医师协会糖尿病专业委员会副主任委员广东省健康管理学会食品与营养分会副主任委员广东省医学会内分泌分会委员中华糖尿病杂志通信编委中华临床医师杂志编委论著:1.Xiaopei Cao, Zhiyong Gao, Claudia E. Robert, et al: Pancreatic-Derived Factor (FAM3B), a Novel Islet Cytokine, Induces Apoptosis of Insulin - Secreting bcells. Diabetes 52: 2296-2303, 2003.2.Xiaopei Cao, Jichun Yang, Zhiyong Gao, et al: Effects of over-expression of Pancreatic-Derived Factor (FAM3B) in isolated mouse islets and b-TC3 cells. AJP Endocrinol and Metabol, 10,1152, 2005.3.XiaoqingMo,ChijiaoYang,XuelanWang,BrantR.Burkhardt,YangbinLi, HaipengXia,XiaopeiCao*:F3MB(PANDER)DecreasesMiceHepaticTriglycerideandIsAssociatedwith DecreasedDGAT1Expression.PLOSONE,February13,2015 4.Feng Hua Lai, Gang Hua Tong, Chijiao Yang, Hong Liang Wang, Kong Zhen Hu, Xiao Pei Cao*: In vivo biodistribution of pancreaticderived factor using 18F-labeled PANDER PET imaging,J Radioanal Nucl Chem301:333-339, 20145.Chijiao Yang, Fenghua Lai, Huimei Lin, Yanbing Li, Haipeng Xiao, Xiaopei Cao*:Perinatal complications and higher risks of offspring thyroid dysfunction in early childhood ofGraves' disease mothers with euthyroidism.J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab,23(6):1-6, 2013.6.Xiaopei Cao, Zilian Wang, Chijiao Yang, Xiaoqing Mo, Lingling Xiu,Yangbing Li,and Haipeng Xiao*:Comprehensive Intensive Therapy for Chinese GestationalDiabetes Bene?ts Both Newborns and Mothers. Diabetes Tech & Therapeut,14(11),1002-1007,2012.7.Ewan Bell, Xiaopei Cao,Jacob A. Moibi, et al: Rapamycin Has a Delecterious Effect on MIN-6 Cells and Rat and Human Islets. Diabetes52: 2731-2739, 2003.8.CAO Xiao-pei,XIAO Hai-peng, CHEN Song-jing, et al: Beta-cell Dysfunction Is the Primary Contributor to the Early Postpartum Diabetes among Chinese Women with History of GDM. Chinese J Medicine,121(8), 696, 2008.9.CAO Xiao-pei,LIU Yuan-yuan,XIAO Hai-peng, -et al: Pancreatic somatostatinoma characterized by extreme hypoglycemia. Chinese J Medicine,122(7), 596, 2009.其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):1、美国青少年糖尿病协会博士后科研金奖: “PANDER在胰岛B细胞中的作用及其信号传导”。2、国家教育部二等奖:“瘦素基因、瘦素、瘦素受体的研究” 成员。


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